“Either give me more wine or leave me alone.” ― Rumi, circa 1200’s
Well... we choose to give you more wine as this week's 'Dose of Yummy Therapy'.
And it's a specially crafted kind of wine.
It's Mary-Lou's Kidney and Blood Sugar Supporting Mulled (NOT-) Wine!

With the festive season comes the temptation to get that little alcohol 'tipple', especially at Christmas and New year. Well...if you DO want to 'let go a 'little', you can still do so without compromising your kidney function or dysregulating your blood sugars.
This week's 'Dose of Yummy Therapy' was chosen to put your mind at ease knowing that when the festive season arrives, your wine supply is only ten minutes to prep...and it HELPS not HINDERS your health.
Indeed, Mary-Lou's Kidney and Blood Sugar Supporting Mulled (NOT-) Wine provides therapeutic support for your kidney function and blood sugar regulation.
The recipe is Kwik-n-Easy to make! It takes approximately 10 minutes to make. And what's more...? You can spice it up even more by adding some allspice, cayenne pepper, or a cheeky splash of Mary-Lou's delicious non-alcoholic brandy!
It is sure to go easy on yours and your guests’ health! 🤗
I fell in love at first sip of this amazingly therapeutic wine - Judy, Bristol, UK.
Make this recipe NOW for just £2.77 !!
This recipe is also published in the Fabulous Five - Festive Fare Drinks which you can buy at 10% discount … and on top, you get a FREE BONUS eBOOK with 5 of Mary-Lou's powerful signature recipes.